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Saturday 29 January and Sunday 30 January: I-Touch Saint John Bosco

Saturday 29 January - This afternoon was the beginning of another round of 'I-Touch'. As part of the arrival of Don Bosco's relic in the Philippines in December 2010 a 'Getting to Know Don Bosco' iniative was created. The DBYC were to spread the news of Don Bosco to children in the parish and try and recruite new members. In the area of Pasil and Suba there are around 30 chapels. The DBYC children were split into groups and were each assigned a chapel. They went to the area and gathered the children. It was amazing how many young children were excited to join in with the activity.

First, a 'Getting to Know' you session was organised. The DBYC children introduced themselves, explained that they each belonged to a different group in the youth club and gave examples of the activites they had taken part in. Next, there were many games with prizes, for example musical chairs. Finally, the children said the rosary together and then the story of Don Bosco and Dominic Savio was told. The DBYC really loved imitating the work of Don Bosco and the new children seemed to enjoy themselves also.

In the evening, there was a bsketball game between the DBYC and DBTC. It was a close contest but DBYC won.

Sunday 30 January - This morning there was a continuation of 'I-Touch'. The children from the chapels were gathered to attend the Children's Mass in the parish church. The children who attended were given a special token so they could attend the activities in the youth center afterwards.

Games were organized in the youth center by the catechists. The children went round to the different stations to play games such as skittles and scoring a basketball hoop. There were prizes for those children who succeeded. There was also a cheer competition led by the animators as each chapel group tried to have the best and loudest cheer. There was also a question and answer session on the story of Don Bosco. There were many children who attended and all loved the activities.