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Monday 24 January 2011: Feast of St. Francis de Sales, the patron of Don Bosco

Today is the feast day of Saint Francis de Sales, the patron saint of St. John Bosco.

St. Francis de Sales was born in Savoy, France, on 21 August 1567. He was ordained as Bishop of Geneva in 1602. He dedicated his life to trying to bring those in Chablais back from the Protestant faith as a result of the Reformation. He educated the Christian people and showed them that spirituality was attainable in every walk of life. He saw his mission as a pastor, simply discussing theology with the Protestants, introducing them to the love of God and ensuring for the laity that devotion was pleasant and desirable. He used extensively the printed word and promoted work and culture, treating everyone with loving kindness and unpretentious wisdom. 

He died at Lyons on 28 December 1622. He was canonized in 1665. Pope Pius IX proclaimed him a Doctor of the Church in 1877.

St. John Bosco was inspired by his "apostolic charity" and by his "evangelical kindness and patience". Don Bosco chose him as the model and protector of his own mission among the young.