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Wednesday 22 December 2010: DBTC Christmas Party and Caroling Contest

Today was the Christmas party for the trainees. There was a caroling contest where each section performed a Christmas song and prizes were given for the winning group. There were also individual performances and renditions on the guitar, base guitar and drums. The trainees also played the party game 'Eat all you can' - teams must take it in turn to eat something from a plastic bag as quickly as possible, for example a bread roll. It was a lot of fun and the expressions on the faces of the trainees were priceless! 

Machine Shop Seniors - Bragion
Automotive Seniors

Machine Shop Juniors

Machine Shop Juniors

Automotive Juniors

Machine Shop Seniors - Rinaldi

Garments - On the Job Trainees

Garments - OJT

Garments Juniors, Woodworking Seniors and Juniors

Sir Fred with help from some of the students

The band

Earl Ando

Alfredo E. Satira